


Flavio Cardoso est un danseur professionnel brésilien qui a à cœur de partager sa culture et l’esprit des danses brésiliennes.
Ses premiers pas dans la danse à deux se sont fait au cœur d’une des Favelas de Rio de Janeiro où il a grandi. Assez vite, il est devenu accro au monde de la danse, et, en 2013, décide de se former auprès d’une des plus prestigieuse école de Danse du Brésil: l’école Jaime Arôxa. Installé en France depuis 2016, il figure aujourd’hui parmi les spécialistes de Zouk brésilien, Forró & Samba de Gafieira. 
Il ressent dans les musiques et les danses brésiliennes un univers de connexion, d’expression et de joie pure, qui permet à chacun et chacune de rêver et s’évader du quotidien.
Cette année, Flavio Cardoso renouvelle sa collaboration avec le Temple de la Danse pour des cours de Zouk brésilien: “Pour moi, le Zouk Brésilien est la danse qui me fait repousser mes limites, celle qui m’offre la liberté de m’exprimer comme je le souhaite, dans le partage et la complicité”.
Wendy Yee from Singapore, has taught latin street dances for more than 18 years now. She has contributed greatly to the growth of the latin social dancing scene there. She has also taught and performed in many countries. Wendy is also the first Brazilian Zouk dancer and teacher in Singapore.
Currently, she is focusing on teaching Brazilian Zouk with her current dance partner Flavio Cardoso from Brazil. She is known for her subtle connection, fun, fluid and reactive style as a dancer. As a teacher, she is often described as patient and friendly and also known for my ability to adapt and teach according to the different learning styles. 
Wendy Yee first got introduced to Brazilian Zouk when she was at the India International Salsa Congress in 2008. She was invited as one of the guest Salsa instructors at that time and had never heard of Brazilian Zouk. During the Congress, she saw Taiti and Crystal from Amsterdam dancing Zouk Love. At that moment, she thought to myself, “I wanna do this!”. 
Then in the same year, she was really glad to have Alisson Sandi in Singapore to help grow the Zouk scene. She started learning from him and teaching with him in Singapore to kick start the scene. Thereafter, there was no turning back. She furthered her training in Australia and Brazil with several masters of Zouk, including Alex de carvalho, Renata Peçanha, Jorge Perez, Leonardo Rêves, China and Luciana and more. 
Her love for Salsa is strong but Brazilian Zouk just blew her away. According to Wendy, the endless possibilities with this dance and allows her to express and challenge herself to all kinds of music movements. So organic and free. This is what we need in all partner dancing. It’s been 14 years since she first started dancing Zouk and she is still in love with it. 
With her many years of experience as a dancer and teacher, she now dedicate herself to help develop the very young Brazilian Zouk scene in Montpellier.